杭州萧山国大化纤有限公司是一家综合性有限责任公司,主要业务包括设计生产经营服装,面料,热转移印花纸,热转移印,丝网印,烫金烫银,洒金洒银,烫钻,植绒,宽幅压花。公司的产品款式新颖,质量过硬,服务细致周到,深得国内外多家客户的信赖与好评,并建立了长期稳定的合作关系。我们的优势:我们拥有多名跨行业资深人士,和业内专家有多渠道的广泛合作。热转移印花和丝网印花,压花等各种工艺互为补充,为多行业复杂花型的应用提供保障。以精湛的工艺、优良的设备、标准化的管理为您提供最优质的品质,各项技术指标均可达到纺织品出口标准。公司在杭州萧山和绍兴柯桥均设有办事处,资源丰富,交通便利,可为客户提供及时便捷的服务。产品应用范围:服装面料、成衣裁片、鞋帽箱包、玩具礼品、休闲制品、户外用品、沙滩制品、汽车饰品、家居装饰、床上用品、卫浴用品、狩猎用品、家具面料、工程用布。公司秉承多品种经营特色和互惠互利的原则,为客户提供一站式服务,欢迎广大客户前来洽谈合作!Hangzhou Xiaoshan Guoda Industrial Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive limited liability company, whose main operations include the design, production and sales of garment, thermal dye sublimation transfer & paper, heat transfer & paper, screen printing, foil, spotting, stones, flocking and embossing. The products win the clients both at home and abroad for the novel design, high quality and considerate service, and the company has established stable cooperation with them.The company has long proclaimed a principle of diversified business and mutual benefit. We also can offer valuable ideas for you according to your demands& markets, so that you save save time and money to develop your business in a shorter time. Any inquiry for information will be welcomed. |